Friday, June 1, 2007

vets meet again...

spent the day at the vets again. the little dark haired nurse wasn't there but all my other friends were so it was cool. apparently one of the pins in my super bionic new knee joints are what is causing the big funny lump on my leg. once the bone has super fused giving me ever more super power greatness then either the vet called john or the vet called matt will whisk it out.

i had some of the magic snoozie medicine while i was there but i'm not sure it really agrees with me. i've been rather jumpy and uneasy since then. still i had a nice run about with sassie from next door in the green nearby and we discovered a stash of raw chicken which she wouldn't let us eat (see previous note about bossiness). she even made us move to the other bit of green away from the all you could eat raw chicken buffet. shame.

there's been a lot of talk about 'moving to the country' lately. apparently this is happening next week. i shall keep you all informed.

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